
Our Partners

Our partners provide top-tier educational consulting, knowledge and expertise, so you get the best out of Evaluate-Ed, including high-quality and impactful school self-evaluation.

Explore our partnership organisations

Diversity, equality and inclusion

See how our partners are championing diversity, equality and inclusion, in schools, businesses and local communities.

Award winning diversity and inclusion in providers. Improving diversity and inclusion in education.

Helping leadership teams to transform their schools into an environment where there is a strong sense of belonging. 

A movement initiated in response to the continual call for intersectionality and diversity in the education sector.

Loud & Proud Education Ltd are an educational training and consultancy that specialise in diversity and inclusion. They support every voice being heard!

Gary Freeman is an independent SEND consultant, with 44 years teaching experience. He is a skilled and intuitive leader of SEND and inclusion.

At Evaluate-Ed, we advocate for diversity, inclusion, and equality. We believe that educational environments should reflect the rich tapestry of the world we live in, embracing individuals from all backgrounds, cultures, and walks of life. We believe that our business should reflect diversity and inclusion and our partners have helped and will continue to help us get this right, in policy, practice and product development.
Howard Jackson
Chairman at Evaluate-Ed.


See how our partners are advising, coaching and inspiring future leaders, at all levels.

Philip Dyer is a highly experienced business mentor and coach; Philip has over thirty year’s business experience in providing guidance and support to aspirational business owners.

 Julie founded The Educational Coach. Her vision for The Educational Coach is; “No teacher unsupported” and this drives the organisation’s work.

HEADSUP4HTs is a network for Head Teachers past, present and future. Their organisation runs campaigns to support Head Teachers to thrive in Headship.

Head Teacher Chat are a community, a support system, and a trusted companion in the ever-evolving journey of educational leadership. They provide resources, support and expert insights to help leaders every step of the way.

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Wellbeing Supervison for Education Leaders and staff. Balance:ed understand the unique challenges faced my education leaders increating a culture of wellbeing.          

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At We Lead Well we believe that leaders need to be well to lead well and when they are and do, transformation happens.

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Emma Lewry Ltd specialises in Leadership Supervision and coaching, Early Years Leadership and School Improvement

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At Evaluate-Ed, we know how hard school leaders work, the challenges they face and the pressures they are under. It has always been our intention to support Head Teachers with self-evaluation reports. That's why working with our partners is so important because we want to continue to get our software right for leaders at all levels. This will help us to achieve our vision of improving schools and everyone in them.

Howard Jackson
Chairman at Evaluate-Ed


See how our partners are inspiring young people to become citizens of the world and giving pupils opportunities to grow and flourish.

Bright Leaders are building courageous influencers. They make young people feel great and ensure they take positive steps to make a difference in their own lives and the lives of others.

John Magee, AKA The Kindness Coach, is the CEO of Kindness Matters, an online learning platform for UK Schools that enables educators to cultivate kindness in hundreds of classrooms in the UK.

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Cleo Matlou is a financial coach and money trauma specialist. Cleo Matlou is dedicated to transforming mindsets and behaviours around money through workshops at schools and universities. 

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See how our partners are connecting us to our Schools.

Church Market Place was created by the Catholic Church in England and Wales in December 2010, Church Market Place is a cost saving purchasing initiative that leverages the purchasing power of the Church to negotiate highly competitive prices and discounts on a wide range of products and services on behalf of its members.

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At Evaluate-Ed we are proud to work Catholic and Anglican organisations. With extensive knowledge and experience working in faith schools, we specialise in providing online self-evaluation reviews and work closely with our partners to ensure they meet the CSI and SIAMS inspection frameworks.
Rachel Wood
Project Manager

Human Resources

See how our partners are delivering effective HR services, in schools across the UK. 

Fusion Education People Solutions (FEPS) provide innovative HR Services and Software, developed specifically for the sector by education HR specialists. They are trusted by over 1300 schools and Trusts across the UK.

Part of Evaluate-Ed's self-evaluation includes a review of your schools human resources, finance, governance, premises and people. Our partners work with us to keep us updated about new legislation, safer recruitment processes, staff absence policies and payroll systems. I'm not an expert in HR, but through the power of collective intelligence and the notion that together, we can achieve more than the sum of our individual efforts, we continue to deliver up-to-date, high-quality and efficient school evaluation software
Rachel Wood
Project Manager

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Global Equality Collect: Improving diversity and inclusion in education

Nic’s specialist topics:

  • The challenges of diversity and inclusion in today’s world
  • The barriers that prevent equality and inclusion in the classroom
  • The impact of lack of diversity and inclusion on young people
  • DEI at scale – how to create an effective and inclusive culture
  • How to build a truly diverse and inclusive classroom
  • How schools can close the learning and access gaps for the most vulnerable
  • Privilege and education
  • Intersectionality in education made easy
  • Self-belief: The critical importance of diverse positive role models plays in top professions to inspire young people
  • I don’t belong here: Creating a sense of belonging and inclusion in the classroom
  • The importance of EdTech for levelling the playing field in the classroom (affordable, easy to use and accessible).

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Representation Matters Ltd

Representation Matters is an Educational Consultancy helping leadership teams to transform their schools into an environment where there is a strong sense of belonging. We believe that “until society recognises everyone, the question will always be do I belong”. Therefore, we ensure that we weave lived experiences and authentic voices into our work. Working from this perspective means that we can connect with hearts and minds. Whilst we would love to be experts in everything…we are not; however, we are constantly evolving and learning and sharing the knowledge with the clients that we meet along the way. That is the beauty of this work.

So how do we do it?

With our wonderful team of associates who live with the 9 protected characteristics, as well as wider factors that prevent individuals from feeling like they belong at their place of work, such as economic background. We provide schools with the opportunity to hold the mirror to their practice; through immersive training and dynamic advice and consultancy. We will help schools create a culture of inclusion so that members of the school community no longer need to question if they belong.


  • Keynotes
  • Advice and Consultancy
  • CPD/workshops
  • Conferences
  • Curriculum reviews
  • Student assemblies/support
  • Representation Matters Inclusion Programme – step by step programme to support schools on their journey to belongin

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BAMEed Network

We are a grassroots network aimed at ensuring our diverse communities are represented as a substantive part of the education workforce for teachers and leaders in education. We seek to address the inequities in the recruitment of Black, Asian and minority ethnic colleagues into the teaching profession and the lack of support to ensure progress in those careers.

We connect with other education organisations and individuals through events, regional networks across the UK, signposting and mentoring support. Join us on this journey to drive change in education.



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Loud and Proud Education Ltd

We offer consultancy and training both online and in person for your organisation or educational setting.

We specialise in equality, diversity and inclusion, with a particular focus on embedding marginalised voices into the curriculum.

We are available on an hourly basis to provide consultation, advice and guidance and offer CV writing, personal statement, application support.

We love speaking at conferences, events and festivals so do get in touch as we can offer keynotes, workshops, training days.

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Garry Freeman SEND and Inclusion Consultancy 

Garry is an independent SEND Consultant, with 43 years of previous teaching and leadership experience in secondary and special schools throughout West Yorkshire and Lancashire. He has since before the reforms of 2014 specialised in the application and practicalities of SEND law and funding in England.

Garry is, and has been, instrumental in shaping SEND provision across England as a Whole-School SEND Reviewer, a National SEND System Leader and project lead for local authority improvement support. He has been an Associate Consultant for Nasen and Chair of their 0-11 Advisory Group. He is a highly skilled, driven and committed SEND leader, supporting schools, trusts and local authorities in a wide range of educational improvement priorities, focusing on caring, positive leadership and the management of change. He has written extensively for a range of educational publications.

As a skilled and intuitive leader of SEND and inclusion, Ofsted described his practice as “beyond outstanding……..inspirational!”

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Philip J Dyer

A highly experienced business mentor and coach; Philip has over thirty year’s business experience in providing guidance and support to aspirational business owners.

Philip has a business career which has spanned over 35 years and a broad range of sectors. Philip was the first Entrepreneur in Residence at the University of Central Lancashire and held an Honorary Teaching Fellow position at Lancaster University Management School and is a regular presenter on the topic of wellbeing; having seen too many negative examples of the impact of running your own business – excessive stress; lack of time – his emphasis is on self-care to improve personal wellbeing and quality of life. If you feel good, you perform better; be that at home or work! In response to an overwhelming need, Philip founded Healthy Leaders in 2018 – focusing on wellbeing coaching to increase productivity and performance followed by Healthy Leaders Academy in 2021; an on-demand online proposition, accessible to multiple users.

Philip is a former Black Belt in Karate and British Karate Champion (1977); making physical wellbeing a lifestyle choice, his most recent competitive endeavours were in the international sport of indoor rowing, achieving runner up in the European Championships in January 2019, and a credible 5th place in the World Championships in California – February 2019, and archery, reaching the quarterfinals of the European Masters Games in 2023.

Favourite quote: ‘We are what we repeatedly do; then excellence is not an act but a habit’- Aristotle


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Julie Keyes

Julie is no stranger to the world of education, with over fifteen years of first-hand experience in teaching. Her passionate work ethic and professional approach are evident in her career achievements. As Head of Humanities at Marlborough College Malaysia, she spearheaded internal CPD programmes and coached and mentored staff, alongside her roles as Head of Geography, Boarding House Tutor, and Form Tutor. On her return to England, Julie took on the position of Deputy Head and Director of Studies. Julie excelled in the management of staff whilst maintaining a valued role on the teaching team.

Upon leaving the classroom, Julie consulted with many schools and organisations both in and out of education. She held the role of Trustee with a large MAT, and created and developed a module on parent partnerships for Discovery Education and NAHT. Julie has worked on leadership programmes for large law firms and corporate organisations, including Baker Mackenzie, Reed Smith, Nestle and Mastercard. She is also a PGCE Tutor for the University of Buckingham.

Combining her wealth of experience in education with her accreditation in coaching, Julie founded The Educational Coach. The vision for The Educational Coach is; “No teacher unsupported” and this drives the organisation’s work. The organisation works with school in the UK and internationally and proudly supports them to embed a coaching culture.

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Our mission is to:

  • To celebrate the skills, experiences and vulnerabilities of school leaders
  • To provide crisis coaching support to those HTs being treated unethically
  • To provide guidance and advice to HTs who are unsure of their future career options
  • To highlight the issues of ‘disappeared’ HTs
  • To challenge the systems and organisation that are driving the unethical treatment of HTs
  • To campaign for system wide mentoring and coaching support for HTs free at point of access

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Head Teacher Chat

Our Core Belief: The Elegance of Simplicity

Our guiding philosophy? Keep it simple, but make it significant. In the intricate dance of leadership, the most effective tools are often the simplest. With our curated range of products, we aim to rejuvenate your passion, fortify your resolve, and simplify your pathway to success. Whether it’s personal well-being or career advancement, we’re right by your side, every step of the way.

Bridging Excellence: Schools and Business United

In the ever-evolving world of education, collaboration is key. We prioritise the well-being of school leaders, offering comprehensive coaching and crucial resources. Furthermore, our network fosters symbiotic ties between schools and businesses. The result? An enriched educational environment where students, educators, and families thrive, powered by the very best products and services the industry has to offer.

Nurturing Leaders: From Ambition to Achievement

Every leader has a vision, and our role is to help you bring that vision to life. Through tailored strategies, effective routines, and invaluable insights, we assist you in crafting and treading your unique path to leadership success.

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Wellbeing Supervision for Education Leaders and staff

Balance:ed understand the unique challenges faced my education leaders in creating a culture of wellbeing. Our consultancy provides tailored wellbeing supervison, offering guidance and support.

Shaheen Myers has over 22 years’ experience in inner-city schools and established a background in leading and supporting schools in challenging circumstances. Her exposure within the wider aspects of education has been both broad and diverse. She held headship and executive leadership roles in a large, culturally diverse Multi Academy Trust. Has trained as an Ofsted Inspector and is an experienced board member for 3 multi academy trusts. She was an experienced facilitator on the NPQ programmes and worked as a director for professional development for a large MAT. Shaheen has also mentored and coached new head teachers.

Shaheen has a wealth of experience across the sector and most recently in her role as Deputy Director for Education in a large local authority. This strategic role included all educational establishments, working with MATs and CEOs across a city on shared vision for education and outcomes. She worked closely with Department for Education, Ofsted, Elected Members and other local authorities.


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We Lead Well

At We Lead Well Ltd we believe that leaders need to be well to lead well and when they are and do, transformation happens.  We support school leaders, from CEOs of multi-academy trusts to classroom teachers, to create such transformations by focusing on their wellbeing and their leadership so that every member of the school community benefits.  Our high quality leadership training through the Resilient Leaders Elements, coaching in a variety of forms, including one to one and group coaching, and coach training, help schools and multi-academy trusts who want to turn potential into performance to improve outcomes for our children and young people whilst ensuring positive wellbeing for everyone in the organisation.

About Vicki

Vicki started teaching English in 1997. After six years as a Head of English in 2004, she worked in two schools as an Assistant Headteacher from 2010 until 2016 when she was appointed to a position as a Deputy Headteacher. During her time as a school leader, Vicki trained as a coach. She developed her coaching skills supporting staff and pupils in each of the schools where she worked by adopting a coaching philosophy and leadership style and using coaching to support pupil and staff development. In 2020, Vicki set up We Lead Well Ltd with the aim to support school leaders to recognise that positive wellbeing is essential for effective leadership.

Since making the decision to leave teaching to set up her own coaching business, Vicki has worked with many different schools and multi-academy trusts and has coached over 100 school leaders . She is a Leadership Performance Coach and trained facilitator on the NPQSL and NPQH national leadership programmes. She has created and presents the We Lead Well podcast on which she interviews headteachers, school leaders and prominent educationalists about leadership and wellbeing. Vicki has designed and delivers the Women Lead Well group coaching programme for female school leaders and set up the Women Lead Well network to provide support for women in leadership. In 2021, she gained accreditation as a consultant for the Resilient Leaders Elements . In 2023 Vicki gained her ICF ACC certification and is working towards her PCC accreditation.

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Emma Lewry LTD

Leadership Supervision and coaching, Early Years Leadership and School Improvement.

Emma, is an experienced school leader, she has been Headteacher of three Schools, Acting Headteacher of another, and School Improvement Officer for a Primary MAT. Emma is an Early Years specialist, she is passionate about developing teams, creative school improvement and play. Emma is fascinated by the power of effective supervision and coaching in transforming the engagement and retention of leaders in the education, early years and childcare workforce. She offers supervision for school and Early Years Leaders including supervision training and implementation support. She also works with schools as a school improvement partner offering consultancy, coaching and training support.

Emma has a Masters in Educational Leadership and Management with a Level 7 Apprenticeship with the Chartered Management Institute. She is experienced in leadership coaching and facilitating training across a range of specialisms including Early Years, Leadership and Curriculum development. In her work Emma brings her values of kindness, connection and commitment along with a dose of humour and fun.

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Bright Leaders

Building courageous influencers

Creating long lasting leadership change within young people and school cultures. We develop confident young people who know their skills, strengths and personal attributes. Our inspirational leadership and learning experiences make young people feel great and ensure they take positive steps to make a difference in their own lives and the lives of others. Individuals, schools and communities who work with us, believe in themselves, each other and their potential. We help young people find their strengths and use them!

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John Magee, AKA The Kindness Coach

John’s the UK Kindness Schools’ Ambassador.

He is the Kindness Matters Founder and Chief Kindness Officer.

Kindness Matters is an online learning platform for UK Schools and enables educators to cultivate kindness in hundreds of classrooms in the UK.

John is a Father, Speaker, Author and mentor to leaders of Education and regularly speaks at Headteacher Conferences.

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Women About Finance

Schools & Universities
We recognise the importance of equipping students to learn the fundamental skill of financial literacy and navigating their professional future. Our tailored workshops focus on cultivating a healthy money mindset, providing practical tools to manage finances effectively, and fostering resilience to set themselves up for success within their careers.
Our goal is to empower the next generation with the knowledge and confidence to make informed financial and career decisions that will positively impact their lives.

Meet Cleo

Cleo Matlou is dedicated to transforming mindsets and behaviours around money. With a mission to educate and empower individuals. Cleo conducts workshops and serves as a keynote speaker at various schools and universities.

She has a deep understanding of the emotional complexities surrounding money, helping individuals overcome financial traumas and obstacles. By integrating psychological insights with
practical financial strategies, Cleo aims to guide students toward achieving financial confidence and making informed, impactful decisions.

She has her own personal journey with a career spanning over 15+ years in London working for multi-international companies across several industries in Accountancy and Banking.

When not empowering others through financial education, Cleo is running around after her two children, a daughter aged 4 years old and a one year old son, kitchen dancing with them and taking long walks in the Chiltern Hills.


  • Understanding Money Management
  • Introduction to Credit Scores & Credit Report
  • Smart Saving Strategies
  • Effective Debt Management
  • Understanding Personal Insurance
  • Introduction to Investing
  • Student Living
  • Financial Wellbeing and Mental Health
  • What it’s like working in Financial Services/Accountancy

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Fusion Education People Solutions (FEPS)

FEPS provide innovative HR Services and Software, developed specifically for the sector by education HR specialists. We are trusted by over 1300 schools and Trusts across the UK.

FusionHR support Schools, Colleges and Multi Academy Trust with all aspects of strategic and operational HR including wellbeing services. We offer support on a consultancy basis from hourly, daily through to discounted packages for HR projects to utilise over a rolling 12 months. In addition, we offer service level agreements to cover all HR and employment law needs for our customers.

SAMpeople, our holistic HR software, incorporates all your people management information and much more. Built for education visionaries, SAMpeople manages employee information effectively all in one place. Our system enables HR analytics and people management decisions to be made quickly and easily through dashboards, employee profiles, workflows and reports. To reduce administration, SAMpeople links with school MIS systems to avoid duplication.

SAMpeople, incorporates SAM our absence management module and integrates with our education recruitment software, FACE-Ed, enabling you to efficiently and safely find the FACE that fits.


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