
Cost-effective pricing for self-evaluation & school improvement software

Our customised pricing structure makes Evaluate-Ed an affordable solution for MAT settings. Evaluate-Ed’s platform offers in-depth self evaluation and school improvement planning for schools, with the added value of our MAT data dashboards informing and driving strategic decisions to drive rapid improvement across your Trust.
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Our Pricing

Tailored for you

Our pricing is customised to fit the unique needs your MAT

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  • Visibility of performance across your Trust.

  • Real-time oversight of each school’s strengths and weaknesses.

  • Live MAT data dashboards to drive strategic decisions.

  • Live, online self-evaluation for your schools.

  • Specific Reviews for schools: safeguarding, SEND, attendance & more!

  • Comprehensive Subject Reviews & Deep Dives for schools

  • SMART school improvement plans for your schools.

  • Centralised & collaborative platform

  • SIAMS review for Anglican Schools

  • Catholic School Inspection (CSI) review for Catholic Schools

If your Trust adheres to the Ofsted Framework and the Independent School Standards Framework, we have bespoke offers tailored just for you!

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Time-cost benefit

Before Evaluate-Ed
Time spent: 120 hours
Financial costs: £6600
After Evaluate-Ed
Time spent: 2 hours
Financial costs: £2600
Annual saving per school


*Statistics based on a Head Teacher completing their self-evaluation form (SEF) using Evaluate-Ed. Figures based a one form entry primary school with 210 pupils and the average hourly wage for a Head Teacher, in the UK. 

Learn more

  • We offer a simple subscription plan that’s accessible to MATs of any shape or size.

  • Prices vary based on the number of schools within your Trust.

  • It’s straight-forward, incredible value for money.

Why are we offering Evaluate-Ed at such affordable prices?

It’s simple: we want to support as many growing Trusts as possible in future-proofing their self-evaluation and school improvement processes.

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Take ownership of your MAT improvement journey with Evaluate-Ed

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    Your privacy is incredibly important to us, so we will keep your details safe and will never pass them onto other third parties.

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