‘Do your staff develop strategies and resources that stimulate pupils’ interest and their active participation in topics around their health and wellbeing?’
The roles played by all aspects of PSHE are at the centre of this question. It is how these key areas of the curriculum are planned and resourced throughout the school curriculum that will empower staff to confidently create a health and wellbeing environment with security and understanding.
The confidence created for staff when leaders at all levels prioritise the planning and resourcing of PSHE, both discreetly and across the curriculum, will ensure the active participation of pupils.
The structure of our curriculum enables the profile for health and wellbeing to be a core element of it, allowing pupils to have confidence in all environments, with their interest and active influence visible throughout the school. Please find below some thoughts aimed at stimulating discussion around your health and wellbeing strategies and resources.
- Is a senior leader involved with the policies and practice supporting pupil wellbeing?
- Does the PSHE lead have a monitoring and evaluation role regarding wellbeing strategies and resources?
- Do all staff understand their role in delivering PSHE across the curriculum?
- Is the role of PHSE fully understood and established across the school?
- Are strategies for improving the health and wellbeing of pupils a regular part of staff meetings and training days?
- Do all age groups have similar opportunities to develop and discuss their wellbeing needs?
- Do SMSC policies and practices demonstrate their influence and involvement in pupil wellbeing?
- Is there a role for school council representatives when developing policies and practices around wellbeing?
When leaders and staff successfully create environments and situations that stimulate age-appropriate pupil involvement and understanding of their health and wellbeing, the overall outcomes for all aspects of school are enhanced.
John Croghan M.Ed. BA. Cert.Ed.
If you would like to speak to John please email john.croghan@evaluate-ed.com.

Content Development and Monitoring
John Croghan M.Ed. BA. CertEd. has over 50 years of experience in education, as a teacher, leading learning in classrooms from EYFS to Y11, as well as a leader and primary headteacher. He enjoyed his role supporting Every Child Matters in schools and has advised and supported schools across the West Midlands, as well as leading OFSTED inspections. He is currently a school consultant, mentor, and governor.